There’s never has been a better time for homeowners to make their home energy efficient. Take advantage of attractive incentives while funds last. Multiple vouchers & rebates available for energy audits, rebates for energy efficiency (EE) improvements up to $8,000 and more.
EE upgrades reduce utilities, improve comfort, health & safety and more.
$300 Audit Vouchers
Vouchers are available for energy audits. Audits are certified by Energy Upgrade California to qualify for rebates up to $4,000 for EE improvements. Audits provide a comprehensive evaluation of your home’s EE, recommendations and estimate rebate potential.
EE Improvements Rebates
Energy Upgrade California is the core of EE improvement rebates. This is a statewide program that qualifies homeowners for EE rebates up to $4,000. Can be combined with other complimentary programs that could total up to $8,000 and more.
About Inspection Perfection
Inspection Perfection, a full service home inspection company now offers comprehensive energy audits. Let our EE auditors educate you of all the value and benefits of improving the energy efficiency of your home rebate potential. Call us at (619) 295-9455.
For more information contact us at: (619) 295-9455
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